Nubian Goats
Nubian Dual Purpose Goats
At Fruitful Acres we understand that Nubian goats are used all over the world as a dual purpose meat and milk breed. Although our breeding program is totally focused on maximizing and increasing milk production and quality, we don't ignore the usefulness of these animals as a source of meat either. We realize that any serious breeding program only uses the best of the best of the offspring born each year in order to continue to enhance production in a breed or individual herd. Since only one buck is necessary to service at least 20 does, we prefer to sell or retain no more than 5% of the young bucks born each year as breeding animals. The rest of the young bucks born are sold on the meat market as a premium product. All of our animals are raised as naturally as possible by their own mothers on grass, hay and non-GMO or organic feed sources. Does receive a little grain on the milking stand while they are milked, but the rest of the animals thrive on a grain-free diet.
Our girls are performance animals who are expected to milk 10 months out of 12 and stay in good condition at the same time. Our mature (3-4 year old) adult does typically milk 1-2 gallons a day, first fresheners milking a little less, but often peaking at close to a gallon in their first lactation. We raise and train easy to milk does with good behavior on the milk stand, pleasant temperament, nice udder texture, good size teats with good size orifices. Our children help with milking and we milk by hand, so good milkstand manners and ease of milking are a must.
Saturday, May 25, 2024